Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Special Visitors

Yesterday I warned the children that we would have special visitors first thing in the morning today. When they arrived at school we had two new kids in our room. Goat kids! They were adorable. Thanks for bringing in the goats, Lucia!

Monday, March 14, 2016


These first graders wondered, Can we build a building that can hold us both? Of course they figured it out!!!

Partner Read

Our class has been really enjoying talking... Even when they should be reading. I decided not to fight it and to embrace it instead! I introduced partner reading during our Daily 5 time. Today I showed the class the I Read To You, You Read To Me book series by Mary Ann Hoberman. They were so excited!
How great to be excited about reading and doing it with a partner! The engagement was high and amount of time spent reading much higher!