Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Year books

We've started working on a project to remember this fabulous kindergarten year. We are making year books! One of the pages we worked on today was about of school. We went outside to look closely at what our school looks like. The drawings are fabulous!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Stepping up!

I cannot tell you how fabulous our Step Up Day was for these 'first graders'! It was such an exciting morning. The children came to school looking older and more mature and ready to rise to the occasion of being first graders, if only for 45 minutes. The group worked so well together, I am really looking forward to next year!
I set the morning up to feel like it will in first grade. I had a morning message that each child needed to read and sign in on. Then we held a mini-morning meeting where my kindergarteners taught the other kids one of our favorite greetings. So many smiles and laughs were shared during this greeting! Thanks to Liz for snapping photos:

Then I did my famous lunch count guessing and read a book:
After the book, we brainstormed ideas that would make our weeks the best week ever. Then kids had to draw 4 things that would make their own Best Week Ever.

At the end, I waved my magic wand and turned them all into kindergarteners again... but it will be such a short time until they really ARE first graders. I told them all a little secret about first grade. I'll tell you too: first grade is the best!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Details, details!

As these last few weeks of school start to fly by (sniffle!), I wanted to give you a couple of details:

Step Up Day: Friday is Step Up Day. I will meet all of the 'first graders' out on the playground at 7:55 and we will come into the classroom through the back doors of the school and hang our things in the first grade cubbies (rather than entering through the stage). If you are late to school that day, don't worry, just use the stage! This is one, simple and fun way for the kids who are already in my class to feel a little bit 'older'! Step Up Day is actually only 45 minutes so after that, I'll wave my magic wand and they will all go back to being kindergarteners!

Concert: Tonight is our Spring Concert. I'll see your child in the classroom at 6:15. It's going to be fabulous!

End of the year field trip: Weather permitting, we will take a walking field trip of Warren Village on the 11th in the afternoon. We will visit the town library where Marie, the children's librarian, has something special planned for us. We will explore a safe spot on the Kid's Brook and go to the Warren Store for a sweet, cool treat! We will be back by 3.

Last Day: The last day of school is a half day of school ending at 12:30. We will have our traditional fun Field Day (which parents are welcome to attend) but then will have some time in the classroom to wrap up and say goodbye. I'd like these last few moments of the year to be just our class together. Then it will be summer!

I can't believe this wonderful year is almost over!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


On Friday we had the pleasure of going to Dinonan's performance in the gym. It was not only educational (I learned a bunch about dinosaurs) but incredibly entertaining!
Today we wrote a thank you letter and drew pictures of our favorite part of the show. Ask your child what part they enjoyed!