Monday, December 21, 2015

Random Acts of Kindness

Over the past month our class has been working on being kind , why we should be kind and reading many books about kindness. This past week I gave the children a challenge: to complete a Random Acts of kindness chart. There are 16 small acts that they have one week to complete:
Here's a photo of one child's card for an adult:

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Elastic Brains

Mollie came to work with us today, teaching us about the parts of our brains and how they help us. We talked about how our brains can change and grow. We made a brain map and brain out of clay!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Spells vile

As a fun way to practice our spelling words, yesterday we played Spellsville. It's a simple, homemade game board that kids love. This would be a fun game to play at home- your child could make the game board and then play with tricky sight words!