Friday, November 13, 2015

Sound investigation

For the next 4 Fridays, we will be conducting a variety of experiments and investigations with sound and light. We will have Laurie joining us in her role as the PTO Enrichment Coordinator. She is helping organize materials and teach lessons. 
Today we investigated sounds. The children had 12 cups filled with objects. On a recording sheet, they made guesses about what was in each cup after shaking it. Ask your child: how many did you guess correctly? How did you guess it? Which cups surprised you?

Monday, November 9, 2015

Publishing our books

To end our writing unit on Small Moment stories, today we presented our finished books. We worked for a few days on editing and making the books as great as possible. Today the students got in small groups and read their stories. Kids were so proud!


I am so looking forward to seeing each of you at our conference in a few weeks. I will share your child's progress in reading, math, writing, science and social skills with you at this conference. Please sign up for a time that works for you using this link:

It is very easy to use!
If there is not a time listed that works for you, please let me know and we can schedule another time.


Friday, November 6, 2015

Argentina Experience

Constancia came to visit our classroom on Wednesday. She had a suitcase full of Argentinian artifacts. We learned a lot about Argentina! Then we made chipas with her. They were delicious! Thanks for sharing your culture with us!

Monday, November 2, 2015


It's happening! This week we are finishing our writing unit focusing on small moment stories. Today each student reread the books they have written. They chose the piece they like the best to publish.