Thursday, January 9, 2014


We have been learning about schema in reading.  Schema is all the information you have in your brain. Readers use it to make connections and deepen their understanding of what they have read. We worked in groups to record the schema that kids had about fireflies. Then we read Fireflies! by Julie Brinkloe.

Schema is always growing and changing!


Many amazing apps have been loaded onto our school ipads and we have been using them! We use them for spelling word practice, reading fluency, sight word practice, listening and reading books. More in depth posts about each app to come.

We all signed a contract about how we will treat the ipads.


While our class enjoys number bingo, we also play a lot of word bingo too. The students 'build' their own boards giving them a chance to practice writing each work. Then when we play they are practicing reading each word. Double the practice in one activity! Plus lots of fun. If you are the winner, you get to be the next caller! This would be a fun way to practice words at home too.